
Journal Diálogos Críticos 是研究小組文化、法律和社會 (DGP/CNPq/UFMA) 的非營利性出版物,其編輯線按以下向量設計:

(1) 法律作為社會歷史、政治和法律現實,由社會構建並由社會構建,法律專業人員的培訓應允許他以綜合方式在三個領域工作:其內部結構,來自實證法、法律教條學;它的基本基礎,即通過分析批判方法的法律哲學;以及它的外部假設、政治、經濟、文化等,包括在社會系統中發生的法律的創造和發展過程中的識別和行動,包括法律辯護和適用的話語;

(2) 尊重不同意見和多元主義,這意味著創造性意識的形成,而不僅僅是內容的重複,從而鞏固了反思的場所和促進社會轉型的工具;和,

(3) 普遍性需要一種適當的方法論方法來滿足同時出現、構成並成為不穩定傳統的新需求的概念,在這種傳播流中,其特點是具有高度複雜性和動態性,這是現代性作為永久生成的典型特徵。




The International Online Congress "Critical Dialogues on Pandemic Perspectives: Global Justice, Rule of Law and Human Rights" comprises joined researchers efforts to promote international academic and scientific exchanging cooperation on the current global pandemic context on reflecting, thinking and scrutinizing government's, public policies and decision-making process and innovation in the fighting against direct and collateral damages caused by the Covid-19's social and institutional impacts, considering transnational implications to the political, economic and the rule of law systems from a Global Justice approach and, locally to human rights’ protection. The Sustainable Development Goals achievements cannot ignore the technological challenges of Revolution 4.0, the precariousness of labor relations, the growing of an economic inequality, and a return to extremist nationalism. Yet, the pandemic context forces us to think about the ascendancy of intramural violence, since social distance ends up challenging everyone, however, with outstanding, material, and dissimilar conditions since it tends to the social elimination of the socially vulnerable. Despite the needed corporate and public adopted strategies, disenfranchisement and excessive administrative measures have been settled, re-framing and mitigating international relations pulling geopolitical, economic, and technological strings in the multipolar world. For those finding facts, we are invited to discuss the new challenges and outcomes from a pandemic perspective to the Global Justice, Rule of Law, and Human Rights questioning if and how human rights can be ensured and mainstreamed in the taken prevention and recovery measures.



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出版済: 2024-04-22